Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Offended by the Cross

Until the supreme court makes a ruling, this cross, a World War I monument remains covered up in the Mojave National Preserve in California. It appears that after over 60 years of standing, one man is now "offended" by this cross and wants it removed. Why do the complaints of "one" get heard louder than the satisfaction of the many? At what point do we say "enough". No more will we be told to take down our crosses, put away our commandments, silence our prayers, and pack up our nativity scenes. My mentality is to push the limits, put up bigger crosses, pray louder and more often, and celebrate Christmas and Easter year round. We've really gone a long ways from the Declaration of Independence where "...all men are CREATED... by their CREATOR...". This was once "self evident", and now it's debatable.
click the link below and watch the "who's to blame" video.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Abortionist killed.

"Is it not possible that an individual may be right and a government wrong? Are laws to be enforced simply because they were made? Or declared by any number of men to be good, if they are not good?" David Thoreau

The news has been covering a story lately that has been troubling me in many different ways. George Tiller, referred to as America's most notorious abortionist, was murdered in his church last Sunday. He was called "Tiller the Killer"because of his well-known willingness to perform late-term abortions almost no other doctor in the nation would do. Because of Dr. George Tiller, Wichita became the destination of choice for women seeking late term abortions.

Those of you who know me, know I have some very strong feelings about this issue, and am continuously frustrated that we Baptists are not championing the fight for life as the Catholics are. But that's a different blog for another day. As for now I'm trying to figure out how I'm supposed to feel about this Dr. of death being killed in his church. My first reaction was "wow! he went to church?", and my next feeling was, "well, he got what he deserved". I do not condone people killing abortion doctors. I'm not sure that it would necessarily save lives; those seeking abortions would and will just go somewhere else. But in a strange way I feel like justice has taken place in the case of Tiller. He was unrepentant, promoting the disposal of unwanted children, and personally, violently, killing babies every day he goes to work. He was famous for killing babies during the third trimester of pregnancy, most doctors would not do this because at this point the baby would most probably survive on it's own outside the womb.

So I am stuggling, and trying to sort out how I feel about this whole thing. I have a righteous anger that gets pretty fired up when anyone harms children, babies, or anyone unable to defend themselves. So in the same way that I have no sympathy for the bully who finally gets beat up at school, I'm having a hard time having sympathy for what has happened to Dr. Tiller. Maybe I'm wrong.

Thursday, May 28, 2009,2933,522637,00.html?test=latestnews

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

Ok... the government is officially making me nauseous. The video above is a clear example of government getting too big and meddling without restraint in the lives of law abiding American citizens. I'm not an anarchist, I love my country, but our govenment has been and currently is going down roads it shouldn't even be on. I could rant on several different current issues but will try to restrain myself to this current video. If you've watched it, I hope you are as shocked as I am. The rebel in me says let's start having all of our church services in our home just to rock this boat and pick a fight!! I never would have imagined that in my country, the good ol' U S of A, officials of any level would be knocking on the doors of christian homes and calling their activities illegal. Will the church in America be forced underground? Never say never. (It's getting really bad when an optimist is writing stuff like this.)

Pottymouth... are some words off limits?

Bad, dirty, filthy, foul, vile, vulgar, course, in poor taste, unseemly, street talk, gutter talk, locker room language, naughty, saucy, raunchy, crude, lude, indecent, profane, inappropriate, obscene, off color, gray, suggestive, cursing, cussing, swearing...
These are the bad words that we use to describe "bad words". There are "bad words" in music, jokes, speeches, books, tv shows, and movies. Politicians have been caught using them, and so have doctors, lawyers, parents, teachers, the President, and yes even some preachers. I've invented a "bushism" for this kind of talk... foulmouthiness.
Here's the deal, some words although harsh may be ok to say. Other words are only ok to say in certain groups. Then there are the select "dirty" words that should always be avoided. Let me try to explain this. Words are cultural. Each culture has acceptable and unacceptable language. Men are able to talk about some things women are not comfortable hearing, and women are able to have certain conversations that will make men run away. The process of childbirth spoken in the language of my nurse friends is one example of this. Wisdom and maturity tells us to be sensitive to our listening audience. Another example is the culture of age. The younger generation uses the word "sucks" to have a negative meaning. Most adults over 40 are offended by this usage. It doesn't mean they have to stop using the word since in their culture it's accepted, but they should be sensitive to those around. In the same way the word "pregnant" many years ago was not even allowed on TV. It was considered inappropriate. My, how things have changed.
The real problem with our language and speech is not only a cultural problem, but a heart problem. The bible says "...out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks." Simply said, our words reveal the condition of our heart. If our heart is full of love and compassion, it will be made known by our words. If our heart is bitter, and full of anger, our speech will reveal that as well. If your speech is undisciplined... bingo... so is your spiritual life. If we let cuss words fly, not caring who's around to hear, or who we are offending, it shows a selfish heart unconcerned about others. From my experience with people who have been newly saved by God's grace, one of the first things that change is their language. Why?.... because of the heart change. The mouth reveals the condition of the heart. The potty mouth is just a symptom of a more serious problem.
Some may say I'm being legalistic... I've been called that before (once). But I'm not,... I am in no way saying you are going to hell for saying a cuss word when you stump your toe. I am simply saying to look deeper than the cuss word. If you said it in a loss of control then it's wrong. If you curse to be cool, then it's wrong. If you cuss to offend, wrong too. James, the brother of Jesus, was brutally honest about our words. He says "If anyone considers himself religious and yet does not keep a tight reign on his tongue, he deceives himself and his religion is worthless. (James 1:26)
On the other hand, our tongue has been entrusted with the salvation of all men. "the tongue has the power of life and death..." (Prov. 18:21) It started with the prophets and the angels, and now has been given all believers. The responsibility of telling, speaking, sharing, saying the good news. The message of Jesus was entrusted to our irresponsible tongues. The very tongues that have a hard time with cursing, and gossiping. But God has faith that we will use our words wisely. Let's honor, not embarrass God with our mouths.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

inked and pierced

Becoming more and more trendy in our culture is young people getting tattoos and untraditional piercings. I recently addressed this in our student mininstry because of their own questions about these "body enhancements". I use that phrase because i think many less controversial alterations fall into this same catagory... dying the hair, piercing one hole in the ear lobe, make up tattoos, breast enlargement/reduction, tummy tucks, etc. Here's the truth. If you are a believer in Jesus then your body and your life is not your own, it belongs to God. 1Corinthians 6:19 states this, and I know the context is sexual imorality, but the truth still applies. Since the body is not our own and was bought at a price, then permission is required before altering right?
I don't believe that altering our bodies brings us closer(circumcision Gal.5:2) or farther away from holiness. I think that scripture teaches that it is the condition of our heart. In some cultures I think it's wrong to get a tattoo or provocative piercing, because it would hinder relationships with people and if our hearts are right, relationships are far more valuable than our personal preferences. Maturity and wisdom says that it's just not worth the risk when it comes to parental, grandparent relationships, church relationships etc. In other cultures there may be no issue or hindrance at all. It is very similar to Paul's issue of meat sacrificed to idols in scripture. Paul thought the meat was Ok to eat, but because it was a problem for some, he chose not to. This takes matruity and obedience to sacrifice freedoms for the sake of others and the gospel.

So the questions to ask before getting pierced and inked are these:

What is the condition of my heart? rebellious? Prideful? Conceited? Defiant?
Does it honor God?
How will it effect my culture (relationships)?
Will it hinder my purpose, mission, ministry, career?
Does my spouse approve? If single I advise to wait until marriage before considering the tattoo or alteration.

Monday, May 11, 2009

the bucket list

Not long ago I saw a movie called "The bucket list". It was about two men who had near death experiences, but finding that they had a second chance in life, composed a list of things they would like to do or get done before they die. I've always had a list, or at least some dreams but I've never written them down, or even knew what to call it until I saw this movie. So here goes... my bucket list, some already done others not yet. Do you have a list? If not then write one down. If we have common events on our lists maybe we can do them and mark them off together?

Marry the hottest girl in school.

Have a house full of kids.

Baptize all of my kids.

perform the wedding of all of my kids.

Raise a bloodhound from a pup.

Hike 26 mile Eagle Rock Loop in Arkansas.

Stay up for 72 hours straight.

Catch a fish bigger than myself.

Hike to the Peak at Wolf Creek, Co.

Backpack the Grand Canyon.

Ride a motorcycle to Canada and back.

Visit the temple mount in Israel. (Is that legal?)

Run, not walk, a marathon.

Ride a century on my bike.

Advance 2 belts in jiujitsu.

Camp on a snow capped mountain.

Watch all of the "Lord of the Rings" movies nonstop.

Take my wife to see a George Strait concert.

Own a motorcycle.

See a LSU football game.

See a tornado.

Get scuba certified.

Save someone's life.

Go on patrol with a police officer.

Preach at my childhood church.

See a NFL game.

Bold = completed

If you can help me out with any of these let me know. If you want to join in on any you're welcome to come and live a slice of life with me.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Are you ready to date?

Tonight i ended a 3 part series on dating. This one dealt with being ready to date. Here is my outline in raw form.

Are you ready to date??

This is a hugely important question. The reason is because dating is the first step in our society before engagement and marriage. Just as important as a soldier needs to be trained before battle, teens need to be prepared mentally and spiritually before dating. Most teens are not prepared to date but do so anyway, which may be why over 50% of all marriages end in divorce and 40% of all births are to unwed mothers, and at some point 40% of all children are living in a cohabitating home.

3 questions to determine if you are ready to date.

1. Do you have your test ready?
Dating is a test. What questions do you need answered? Some will be answered before the date, others can be answered on the date.
1.) are they saved?
2.) Are they committed to their church?
3.) Are they growing spiritually?
4.) Are they spiritually attractive?
5.) Their Relationship—Doctrine-- Lifestyle???
6.) How do they talk about their parents? Are they under authority or rebellious?
7.) Are they committed to date “pure”.

2.Do you pass your own test?
1.) are you saved?
2.)are you committed to church?
3.)are you growing in your faith?
4.)How’s your Relationship--Doctrine--Lifestyle?
5.)are you honoring parents? Or rebellious? Have they OK’d you to date?... OK’d the one you will date? They are your God given protection and accountability.
6.) Are you committed to date “pure”.?

3.How are you and Jesus Doing?
You are not ready for a relationship that affects you everyday if you are not yet affected by Jesus every day. Get your Jesus relationship right first before you begin looking for another relationship.

Set up your own Guidelines to avoid temptation while dating.
Write your goals and rules down and put them in your sock drawer or dresser or bathroom mirror.

Here are some suggestions.

10 Rules to date by.
1.Parents are informed and involved. (protection and accountability)
2. only date growing Christians
3. It’s always a test, if they fail…. I bail.
4. Is she modest?
5. Is he a one woman man?
6. We are never home alone. If parents leave so do I.
7. No beds, couches, or unplanned stops.
8. Curfew… If my parents don’t set one I will.
9. Meet and be honest with a Godly friend after every date.
10 Never get too wrapped up to break up.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Have you heard of a new bill called HR45? The Obama administration has a new bill that will begin steps toward the government threatening our constitutional right to keep and bear arms. This bill will require that all owners of semi automatic clip loading guns, pistol or rifle, take a safety course and be liscenced by the federal government. Each gun must be registered, owner fingerprinted, and promise to securely keep guns locked up. Doesn't sound too bad huh?... I said they are "beginning steps", and the first step to removing our firearms is to find out who has them and how many we have. This bill would provide our govenment will all of the info they need to begin confiscating our firearms. Can't happen to us? It's already happened in Europe, Austrailia and Canada. They didn't think it would happen either. This bill, should it become law, will cause law abiding, good citizens to become law breakers. The bad guys who own guns aren't going to register theirs. So this law only hurts the lawful and does absolutely nothing to the criminal. The whole purpose for the 2nd amendment is security and protection, against anyone including government who may threaten the freedoms of we the people. This very amendment has kept our great nation safe for 233 years and will continue to do so provided we don't let our own government abolish it. Write your congressman, raise your voice, vote, throw a fit. This is no time to be silent and passive, the government is getting out of control.

let's be brutally honest...

Why are christians having such are difficult time about whether it's ok to drink alcohol or not. I mean really... the bible is crystal clear on drunkeness. But then we have this "social drinking" issue. It's ok in moderation, I only have one glass with a meal, etc., etc., etc., really... what's the point in that? Having one glass of alcohol is about as pointless as owning a corvette and only driving the speed limit. Alcoholic drinks cost about 3 to 4 times more than a regular drink costs; Are you claiming that they taste that much better? Just be real... truthful... honest... people don't drink alcohol for taste, it's for the buzz. Thats like saying people have sex in order to have children.... ha yeah right! If people are drinking to quench thirst, why do the manufacturers constantly have to tell them to drink responsibly? Why is alcohol the number one killer of people age 3-30? This stuff is rotting our society away, killing our kids, destroying our families. Why not just have a coke or a glass of tea? This issue really isn't about alcohol... it's about being a lover of God rather than ourself. It's about sacrificing a physical pleasure for the sake of holiness. It's about caring more about personal integrity and the advance of the gospel than social pressures and personal preferences.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

The End of the World as we know it.

Recently i've completed teaching a series called "The End of the World as we Know It". The series dealt with biblical prophecies and how these days are currently fulfilling what the scriptures have already predicted. In the gospel of Matthew 24:32, Jesus uses a fig tree to prepare us for the "things to come". Most biblical scholars believe this to be fulfilled by the rebirth of Israel or the repossessing of Jerusalem, therefore we are the "last generation". If so, then the warnings of scripture directly apply to us. Over 40 times in the New Testament the warnings of... "Watch out!.... Wake up!... Be ready!... Keep watch!... Be alert!... Be careful!" are found encouraging believers not to be caught unsuspecting of "that Day".

So how do we keep watch? How do we stay alert? How can we be careful? I believe there are 3 simple ways to be prepared and not be caught off guard by the Day that is approaching. First is doctrine. Do not be mislead. Make sure that what you believe is the truth from the bible. The bible is our only source for faith and practice, not anyone elses experience or opinion. Test every new teaching with the truth of scripture, and through constant use we will be able to distinguish good from evil. Secondly is our lifestyle, your life must be consistent with your doctrine. In other words your deeds must show your faith. It is not enough to simply know the truth, we must be obedient to it in our actions. Third, watch Israel. God has made Israel the stage on which everything will be unveiled, or unwrapped. Study Israel... the feasts, the prophecies concerning her, and current happenings of how the rest of the world is treating her.

You should know... Jesus said that we are living in the "year of the Lord's favor" (Luke 4:19), and for now we are under God's grace and mercy, his kindness that draws us to repentance. But on his return the "year of favor" has ended. It will be the "Day of vengence" and grace, mercy, and kindness will be replaced with justice and wrath. The Jesus of the second coming in Rev. 19, looks much different than the Jesus of the gospels. Don't let Him catch you unaware.