Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Have you heard of a new bill called HR45? The Obama administration has a new bill that will begin steps toward the government threatening our constitutional right to keep and bear arms. This bill will require that all owners of semi automatic clip loading guns, pistol or rifle, take a safety course and be liscenced by the federal government. Each gun must be registered, owner fingerprinted, and promise to securely keep guns locked up. Doesn't sound too bad huh?... I said they are "beginning steps", and the first step to removing our firearms is to find out who has them and how many we have. This bill would provide our govenment will all of the info they need to begin confiscating our firearms. Can't happen to us? It's already happened in Europe, Austrailia and Canada. They didn't think it would happen either. This bill, should it become law, will cause law abiding, good citizens to become law breakers. The bad guys who own guns aren't going to register theirs. So this law only hurts the lawful and does absolutely nothing to the criminal. The whole purpose for the 2nd amendment is security and protection, against anyone including government who may threaten the freedoms of we the people. This very amendment has kept our great nation safe for 233 years and will continue to do so provided we don't let our own government abolish it. Write your congressman, raise your voice, vote, throw a fit. This is no time to be silent and passive, the government is getting out of control.

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