Monday, May 11, 2009

the bucket list

Not long ago I saw a movie called "The bucket list". It was about two men who had near death experiences, but finding that they had a second chance in life, composed a list of things they would like to do or get done before they die. I've always had a list, or at least some dreams but I've never written them down, or even knew what to call it until I saw this movie. So here goes... my bucket list, some already done others not yet. Do you have a list? If not then write one down. If we have common events on our lists maybe we can do them and mark them off together?

Marry the hottest girl in school.

Have a house full of kids.

Baptize all of my kids.

perform the wedding of all of my kids.

Raise a bloodhound from a pup.

Hike 26 mile Eagle Rock Loop in Arkansas.

Stay up for 72 hours straight.

Catch a fish bigger than myself.

Hike to the Peak at Wolf Creek, Co.

Backpack the Grand Canyon.

Ride a motorcycle to Canada and back.

Visit the temple mount in Israel. (Is that legal?)

Run, not walk, a marathon.

Ride a century on my bike.

Advance 2 belts in jiujitsu.

Camp on a snow capped mountain.

Watch all of the "Lord of the Rings" movies nonstop.

Take my wife to see a George Strait concert.

Own a motorcycle.

See a LSU football game.

See a tornado.

Get scuba certified.

Save someone's life.

Go on patrol with a police officer.

Preach at my childhood church.

See a NFL game.

Bold = completed

If you can help me out with any of these let me know. If you want to join in on any you're welcome to come and live a slice of life with me.


Steph said...

you forgot Tahoe (done) and the Swiss Alsps

Michawn said...

hey, so i really like your blog. just sayin.

Anonymous said...

Hey, I just found your blog. I like it, too.

Marilyn Johnson

Anonymous said...

Marilyn told me about your blog. I had to really "hunt" for it. But it was sure worth finding. I've printed most of it. How did you get so smart???? So, your house full of kids are certainly beautiful!! Enjoy them!