Friday, May 30, 2008

the curse of the church bus...

What is the deal with church owned transportation? Every(and I mean every) church bus or van that I have ever experienced has had issues! If it's not the transmission, it's the A/C, or the heater, or electrical issues... or just some kinda wierd smell. What's up with that? I think the devil has a special brigade of demons that screw with church vehicles. I'm not kidding either. I have an electronics background, I've been installing cd players, amps, subs, security systems, tv's, vcr, etc. for over 20 years now. (whoa.. did i just say that?) Anyways our church bus has a dvd/ 4tv system, and I just spent a good 6 hours working on it and still no luck at all. Frustrated. I need a young priest and an old priest. "The power of Christ compels you!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that is so funny.

the exorcist reference