Monday, June 1, 2009

Abortionist killed.

"Is it not possible that an individual may be right and a government wrong? Are laws to be enforced simply because they were made? Or declared by any number of men to be good, if they are not good?" David Thoreau

The news has been covering a story lately that has been troubling me in many different ways. George Tiller, referred to as America's most notorious abortionist, was murdered in his church last Sunday. He was called "Tiller the Killer"because of his well-known willingness to perform late-term abortions almost no other doctor in the nation would do. Because of Dr. George Tiller, Wichita became the destination of choice for women seeking late term abortions.

Those of you who know me, know I have some very strong feelings about this issue, and am continuously frustrated that we Baptists are not championing the fight for life as the Catholics are. But that's a different blog for another day. As for now I'm trying to figure out how I'm supposed to feel about this Dr. of death being killed in his church. My first reaction was "wow! he went to church?", and my next feeling was, "well, he got what he deserved". I do not condone people killing abortion doctors. I'm not sure that it would necessarily save lives; those seeking abortions would and will just go somewhere else. But in a strange way I feel like justice has taken place in the case of Tiller. He was unrepentant, promoting the disposal of unwanted children, and personally, violently, killing babies every day he goes to work. He was famous for killing babies during the third trimester of pregnancy, most doctors would not do this because at this point the baby would most probably survive on it's own outside the womb.

So I am stuggling, and trying to sort out how I feel about this whole thing. I have a righteous anger that gets pretty fired up when anyone harms children, babies, or anyone unable to defend themselves. So in the same way that I have no sympathy for the bully who finally gets beat up at school, I'm having a hard time having sympathy for what has happened to Dr. Tiller. Maybe I'm wrong.